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Recursive Reflections
@ LUME Studios, Tribeca
curated by Clay Devlin
Frieze 2023


Fjallsárlón was created from neural radiance field (NeRF) video files captured during drone flights over Iceland’s lesser-known glacier lagoon and the tongue of the enormous Vatnajökull glacier. This piece is a compilation of several individual video loops, taking viewers on a journey through exploded 3D geometry. While 3D photogrammetry and LIDAR rapidly integrate into our daily lives, I enjoy using the quirks and artifacts of this technology to showcase dramatic deconstructed landscapes. The fractured icebergs are remnants of centuries past. Here, they are incorporated into current discussions surrounding technology which is evolving in ways we cannot yet fully understand—perhaps contributing to positive evolution or perhaps signaling irreversible destruction.


Fragmented Depictions

LIDAR / Photogrammetry / 3D


A new series of photogrammetry / LIDAR scans transformed into 3D space. This series explores enigmatic forces of light and dark, and existence within multiple simultaneous states of being. Limited open editions coming soon.



S¿bjective Art
@ LUME Studios, Tribeca
NFT NYC 2023
curated by Raina Mehler,
Director @Pace Gallery.


Waveforms is an endlessly evolving generative digital work developed to imitate my own style of IRL acrylic paintings. Created in TouchDesigner.



CADAF 2022
Crypto & Digital Art Fair
@ web3 Gallery 5th Ave NYC
curated by Elena Zavelev & Andrea Steuer


Landscaper is a generative art project which constructs infinite topographic outcomes. The works are a collaboration between the artist, the viewer, the computer, and random “forces of nature”. Using physical controls to adjust certain pre-selected variables, viewers @ CADAF 2022 in NYC influenced the outcome of numerous iterations until they discover their perfect piece of this infinite world. Final works are available on


Alien Elements

Unreal Environment built from IRL landscapes turned to 3D objects.


This project is the culmination of many experiments taking drone footage I shot in Iceland, converting the videos to 3D geometry using NeRF photogrammetry, then bringing them into Unreal Engine. I first intended to use the glaciers only as natural additions to an arctic environment but ended up keeping some of the original photographic textures, mixed with glass, gold and copper metallic materials. The result is a world of crystal clouds formed from…alien elements.


Chrome Creature

Work In Progress


This work is representative of several current experiments translating depth-cam input and dynamic brushes into intense textural visualization. This feels like happily rolling around in melted metal, or hot solder—both sexy and dangerous, in a Marilyn Minter sort of way. Next steps on this are to explore using live dancers as the paintbrush that stirs the molten monster.



Hudson Valley, NY

Data visualization


A weekly weather forecast visualized as digital generative art.

One full week’s weather is represented (left to right) showing 10 weather stations along the Hudson Valley from Albany to NYC (top to bottom). The motion resembles one large brush stroke, but is made of 10 sections independently responding to hourly temperature, wind, precipitation, and barometric pressure. 


For TouchDesigner-ers, Here’s a look at how the document was built. There are 4 main Components: Weather API collection, Data Cleaning / Parsing, DAT to CHOP, Then painting. It’s an insanely complicated file and I’ll be making efficiency improvements to the Data side as I push ahead.


p5.js + Pen Plotter

Axidraw SE A1


Building a new p5.js project around a simple structure of parallel lines, offset by overlapping noise displacements. Subtle tweaks to the variables result in a variety of distinct styles/genres. I’m thinking of making this a user-controllable release.



& Design


My opinions on AI change every day. I’m learning to code with ChatGPT which feels like an absolute super power. I worry about the negative impact of AI models trained on other people’s work and the likelihood of it irreversibly changing things we can’t possibly fully understand. But maybe it also cures cancer? How long will it be until we can talk to birds? For now, I’m cautiously optimistic for what it can do to help my workflow, widen my creative vision, teach me new skills, and pump out pretty jpegs of sci-fi / hypermodern gold architecture.


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Bibbel Fliffer

TouchDesigner Experiement


Bibbel Fliffer is a generative patch that eternally fliffs bibbel and floof.



Performance VFX

TouchDesigner Experiement


I’m working on a variety of nutballs video effects for general use but specifically for collaborations with live performers. This is one of the more insane ones. This is just about the only thing in my recent work I didn’t film. This is footage from the amazing choreographer Sabrina Lonis. The nutballs music is mine though!


 Albums on Bandcamp, Apple or Spotify. Robot Repair’s albums are available here.
