An audio installation for modular synth and Quadraphonic (four channel) audio.
Sound waves collide like waves rippling across the surface of water. Two (or more) speakers create overlapping waves, revealing secondary audible patterns that resemble Moiré patterns. This project uses multiple precisely tuned synth oscillators and filters slightly varying in pitch and projected into the room through 4 separate speakers. The result is a complex pool of waveforms pulsing and fluttering as they physically combine in the space. An infinite number of sound pressure collisions create varying audible results at every position in the room.
The binaural mp3s (above) are short previews of the improvisational piece although, consider them a flattened version of a physical sound sculpture.
Made an interesting modular patch that sounds like slow tremolo strings. Two Erica Black Wavetable Oscillators amplified with alternating LFOs.
Misc Oscillations, Modulations, Quadrations & Spells:
My rack on Modular Grid (Always evolving)