Meat Cove
A fun camp spot on the very northern tip of Nova Scotia. Overlooking a gorgeous bay. Although we weren't expecting an adventure at the time, this place turned out to be our 2nd most extreme driving situation of the trip as the staff had us follow them to our cabin while they drove an ATV up a wet grass hill with a steep sideways slant. We all have our theories on how far the rig was leaning, 25° or 30°? not out of range for the LR3 but if we slipped, it surely would have been a 6 foot sideways slide to a 6 foot drop, and if the smaller path below us didn't stop the tumble, it would have continued another 150 feet down to "Rusted Landrover Cove." Lesson learned, in spontaneous conditions, follow enthusiastic guys on ATVs with pessimistic caution.